Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wilford Lewis

Wilford Lewis died yesterday 1-16-07.
He was to be 82 in March.
Services will be Friday 1-19-07 in Early/Brownwood Texas


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear such sad news. I know the feelings of both, the loss of loved ones and the chain reaction that occurs afterwards. As Jehovah's Witnesses, our hearts can remain calm, cool and collected as we wait for all things to be corrected to each ones sataifaction - in the new system. My wife, Marie and I extend our deep heart felt feelings for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Dear PcCowboy, I clicked on your site to read through the info on saddle making,(we raise and endurance ride Arabians,here in Southern Ohio.)I enjoyed your site. I wanted to pass along our condolences on your recent loss of someone who was obviously very loved & respected,your father in law.Always focus on the temporary situation that death is- and the greatest family reunion just
ahead, right here on earth!! Your
"Family" sends hugs to you & your wife, please pass our loving care to your family at home as well.
The Schweitzers

Anonymous said...

Good words.